воскресенье, 16 февраля 2020 г.


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Rakion - Stage 48 tower of Zmeer 4 Relicym. E Mobiluar 15, Euro. Venera 4 was designed with the announced scientific objective of in-situ studies of the atmosphere of Venus down to the surface.

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Lepenski Vir - The Iron Gates culture of the Balkans oldest

Fillova tia shpjegoj edhe njehere gjendjen e nje dite me pare atje. The archaeological excavations carried out at Lepenski Vir have led to the discovery of architecture of the people who were once settled in the area. The services have become better and they continue to do that.

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Her father was a musician but who did not pursue his musical career. Venera-D, where 'D' stands for Dolgozhivushaya long-lastingbecame the first Russian project in the post-Soviet period aimed to explore Venus. Shes blej qera shtepi, kerkoj e ofroj pune, shes e blej makina e motorra, elektronike, kafshe e shpende, shtepi pushimi e shume te tjera.

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